Welcome to The Everyday Expedition

—a place where we embrace life’s simple adventures!

I’m McKenna Hope, and my family and I live in CFB Shilo, Manitoba, where we’re all about exploring the beauty of nature, traveling the roads of Canada, and creating meaningful moments together—no matter where life takes us. Whether we're on a month-long road trip or just heading out for a hike, I believe adventure with young kids doesn't need to come with a hefty price tag or endless gear. It’s about the mindset we carry into our experiences.

As a military family, we’re always balancing the unpredictability of life, but we find that staying intentional with our time and keeping our family close is what makes all the difference. This blog is all about sharing real, relatable experiences as we challenge ourselves, enjoy the outdoors, and explore new places together.

If you're a parent who wants to get out there but feels overwhelmed by what you "should" have or do, this is the place for you. Here, you’ll find tips for simple yet meaningful adventures, travel stories, and a community of like-minded families who are ready to embrace the mess, learn together, and make the most of every moment. Let’s inspire each other to get outside, even if we don’t have all the right gear, and create the memories that matter most.

Thanks for stopping by—I'm so glad you're here, and I hope you’ll stay a while.


Let’s Begin